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Movement Mastery Lvl. 1

The path of learning acrobatics...


...Movement Mastery, is a system founded by Theo unlike any other. With expertise spanning parkour, yoga, breakdance, capoeira, handstand artistry, cliff diving, tricking, acro yoga, and beyond, Theo's unique approach to movement has captivated audiences worldwide. Now, he's bringing his innovative teaching style to you through our immersive workshop experience.


1      DAY

3      SKILLS to work on

5      HOURS of training

6      MONTH "Movement Mastery" App access

Join us for a dynamic exploration of movement potential. Over the course of 5 immersive hours, split into two blocks, Theo will lead you through a journey designed to unlock your full potential. In the first block, we'll delve into the fundamentals of movement, focusing on coordination, balance, strength, and more. It's the perfect foundation for what's to come.

In the second block, Theo will guide you through three essential skills for beginners, laying the groundwork for future progress. Dreaming of aerials, ninja skills, and backflips? We'll start with the basics, building the foundations with cartwheels, kick-ups, and macacos. This workshop is your gateway to a world of movement possibilities. And the best part? Our workshop follows the same path as the Movement Mastery app, so you can continue your journey long after the workshop ends.

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Understand the world of movement by learning the connections between similar moves.




Start with the easiest regression and work towards high level flips in a safe way step by step.



Back Handspring

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Movement Mastery
Workshop 1

Movement Mastery
Workshop 2

Movement Mastery
Workshop 3

Movement Mastery workshops build up on each other. Come and join as a novice - leave as a student and qualify for the next level all the way up to the advanced league. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your approach to fitness and unleash the athlete within you. Sign up now and embark on a journey to movement mastery!

As a workshop participant, you'll gain access to Theo's Movement Mastery app, where you can continue your learning journey beyond the workshop. All moves, progressions and exercises are found in the app. You get free access for your first 6 month worth $ 99,99 (CHF 86).

Special Note: These prices are a special discount and you will never get such low rates again. It's the first time that Theo is launching this workshop as a product, and prices will increase in the future.

Bonus: 6 month access to the MM APP!


What you learn in the
Movement Mastery App

You can join the Movement Mastery Workshop level 1 with no prior knowledge. Theo is picking you up right where you are and will show you progressions, variations and options so you always grow and won't feel lost. 


You will leave the first workshop with knowledge and expertise on:
- Jumping foundations

- Animal flow basics

- Wheels (Cartwheels and more)

- Kick up (wavy get up + backbends)

- Macaco (opening the doors for Back Handsprings and Backflips)

What you bring, what you get:

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Get Flexible
Increase Balance
Gain Strength
Improve Coordination

Pepjin, Netherlands

"Amazing IG content. I've been resisting to subscribe to the app for some time now, but couldn't help it anymore. Your content seems very playful and will encourage me to continue the practice until I get the results. Thanks!"

Tom, USA

"Hey Theo! Loving the app you have done a great job. I have made it most of the way through the handstand tutorials so far with lots of progress. Also enjoying the follow along classes for stretching and strength."

Kobi, Israel

"My dream was to do handstand. I heard so many people who demoralised me, telling me wrong information about handstand practice. Then I met Theo who built a plan for me and guided me all the way from zero to a 10 second straight handstand in 10 weeks. It's a pleasure to learn with Theo and I'm looking forward to break more records!"

Julia, Russia

"Hi Theo! I've been practicing with the app hip mobility and handstand foundation, improved a lot doing your exercises. I'm also getting more comfortable with back handsprings. Thanks a lot!"

Will, USA

"Swipe program is so sick! I think I'll get it pretty quick. Got to the second last progression in the first session. It's tough, just need to add the leg swing and foot placement. Thanks Theo!"

Radha, UK

"Thank you so much for all the feedback and the detailed analysis of the cartwheel! It is so cool to watch it in slow motion. I already feel my body opening up and am amazed at what is already possible after 3 weeks. Extremely grateful for your teaching!"
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